2020 Parish Photos (Updated 10/9/2020)

Welcome Timothy Marasco - 10/04/2020

On Sunday October 4th the community of Christ the Saviour welcomed Timothy Marasco into the Orthodox Church through the Sacrament of Chrismation. We pray that God would grant the newly Illumined Timothy, his wife Sally, and sponsor Rdr. Matthew (Chet) Lubecki "Many Years"! Glory to God for His many blessings!

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Welcome - 08/30/2020

On Sunday August 30th the community of Christ the Saviour welcomed Ethan Mandel & his daughter Annie (who was Baptized on Sat, Aug 29), and Judith Mamay into the Orthodox Church through the Sacrament of Chrismation. Our hearts are full, as we were "finally" able to be united with them through the Holy Eucharist.

We pray that God would grant them many years! Glory to God for his rich blessings!

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Archpastoral Visit - 08/16/2020

On Sunday, August 16th, on which we celebrate the "Image Not Made by Hands", the third feast of the Saviour in August, His Eminence Archbishop Mark made an Archpastoral visit to the community of Christ the Saviour in Harrisburg. Due to the ongoing pandemic, and the desire for our entire church family and guests to be present for the ordinations of Rdr. Vladimer Kellachow, and Subdeacon Andrew Katerman; the blessing of the double orarion being bestowed upon our faithful deacons, Dn. Peter Staller and Dn. John Shingara; and the Synodal award of the Mitre being bestowed upon the Rt. Rev. Daniel Kovalak, services were held outdoors. "Many Years" and "Axios/Worthy" to these faithful servants of Christ. 


Troparion of the "Image Not Made by Hands": We venerate Thy most-pure image, O good One and ask forgiveness of our transgressions, O Christ our God. Of Thy good will Thou wast pleased to ascend the Cross in the flesh and deliver Thy creatures from the bondage of the enemy. Therefore, with thanksgiving we cry aloud to Thee: Thou hast filled all things with joy, O our Savior, for Thou didst come to save the world!

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Transfiguration - 08/05/2020

On the mountain wast Thou transfigured, O Christ God, and Thy disciples beheld Thy glory as far as they could see it; so that when they would behold Thee crucified, they would understand that Thy suffering was voluntary, and would proclaim to the world that Thou art truly the Radiance of the Father.

Kontakion of the Feast of Transfiguration

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Golf Tournament - 07/11/2020

On July 11, 2020, the Orthodox Christian Charities of Greater Harrisburg (OCCGH) held its fourth annual four-person scramble golf tournament at Eagles Crossing Golf Course in Carlisle, PA. The event was a huge success, raising a record amount for OCCGH with a record 100 golfers participating, 27 corporate sponsors and a number of individual donors as well. A special thanks to our tournament chairman Carl Hisiro and his team for their excellent work!


Prizes were given out to the 1st, 2nd, 10th and 15th place teams, and there were men’s and women’s longest drive and closest to the pin contests as well. Golfers also enjoyed playing the 50/50 “hit the green” raffle on a Par 3 hole and several other raffles that took place at the outing. The largest raffle consisted of a gift basket containing a certificate from the Hershey Country Club for a foursome, including carts and the ability to play either the East or West Courses and a dozen Titleist golf balls worth a total value of $595. In addition, many of the golfers received a door prize valued between $10 and $100 for their participation in the event. The winning team at this year’s event was Kevin Cramer, Corey Grove, Kyle Witter and Jordan Shaffer with a team score of 58.


Prior to the start of play, breakfast pastries and coffee were provided by OCCGH, and the day ended with a delicious sirloin steak buffet with ice cream for dessert.


SAVE THE DATE for next year’s tournament to be held again at Eagles Crossing on July 10, 2021, and plan to be there!

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Virtual Book Discussion - 06/14/2020

Harrisburg, PA - On Sunday, June 14, with the blessing of Archbishop Mark, the adult education ministry at Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church "virtually" welcomed His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon as the guest presenter for their discussion of his 2018 work - "Of What Life Do We Speak?" Four Pillars for the Fulfillment of the Apostolic Work of the Church. Our parish book club, dedicated to St. Jerome, meets quarterly for a moderated discussion of works - both "old" and "new". We had hoped to welcome His Beatitude personally, but due to the pandemic the book discussion was held virtually for all participants. Metropolitan Tikhon opened by sharing the inspiration for writing the booklet, as well as some of his further reflections based upon the current events in our society. He keyed in on two topics that he hopes we as a Church can further reflect upon - friendship and loneliness. After his introductory remark's participants spent time in break-out rooms to have small group discussions, which were later shared with the whole group by our facilitators. We are thankful that His Beatitude made himself available, and that he so graciously invited us to "the table" to discuss the Four Pillars (Spiritual Life, Stewardship, Relations with Others, and Evangelism), and how we can cooperatively fulfill the Apostolic work as Orthodox Christians!

At the conclusion of our time together our book discussion moderator Joseph McClure introduced our next book - Orthodox Christians in North America (1794 - 1994), which is available via this link. Discussion date TBD.

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Pentecost - 06/07/2020

Pentecost 2020 (Harrisburg, PA): Due to the current pandemic, with the blessing of Archbishop Mark, the parish of Christ the Saviour celebrated the Great Feast of Pentecost with an outdoor Divine Liturgy. It was a beautiful "green Sunday", Spirit-filled, and a reminder of the joy that comes from gathering together under the headship of the All Holy Trinity! Glory to God for all things!


"When the Most High came down and confused the tongues, He divided the nations; but when He distributed the tongues of fire, He called all to unity. Therefore, with one voice we glorify the All-holy Spirit." Kontakion of the Feast

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Holy Pascha - 2020 - 04/19/2020

Christ is Risen! Христос Воскресе!

Χριστός Ανέστη! المسيحقام!

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic the community of Christ the Saviour celebrated the Passion, Death, Burial, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ with a modified schedule and a small "crew" of servers and singers. Glory to God for all things! Please visit www.CTSHBG.org to access our parish YouTube Channel and Facebook Page and view recordings of the services and other resources.  

(Ode 1 - Canon of Holy Pascha)

It is the day of Resurrection, let us be illumined O ye people, Pascha, the Pascha of the Lord, from death unto Life and from earth unto Heaven has Christ our God led us singing the song of Victory! Let us purify our senses, and we shall behold Christ, radiant with the light ineffable of the Resurrection, and shall hear Him say in accents clear, rejoice as we sing the song of victory. For meet it is that the Heavens should rejoice, and that the earth should be glad, and the whole world, visible and invisible, should keep the feast, for Christ, the everlasting joy is Risen!

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Holy Saturday - 04/18/2020

On Holy Saturday families from our community decorated the parking lot in preparation for the Great Feast of Holy Pascha and our (in vehicle only) basket blessing. Glory to God for their love for Christ’s Holy Church and their creativity!

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Holy Week - 04/11/2020

As we continue to walk with Christ on His voluntary Passion, even during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the community of Christ the Saviour would like to present a gallery of some of the beautiful "home altars" and decorations at the homes (a.k.a. - "little churches") of our parish community! Indeed Christianity is a faith of resilience and beauty... whatever the circumstances! 

"Holy Week from Home" Resource 


Live Stream Services of Holy Week and Pascha

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaam7v-ezc61GUvHYGYSddQ

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Christ-the-Saviour-Orthodox-Church-142683442430604/

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Sunday of the Last Judgement - 02/23/2020

On Sunday, Feb 23rd the community of Christ the Saviour gathered on the Lord's Day to celebrate to Sunday of the Last Judgement (Meat-fare). After the proclamation of the Gospel, Fr. Daniel Kovalak offered an inspiring homily about Matthew 25 and led the children (and all of us) in a song he wrote to help us remember "as long as you've done it to the least of these, you've done it unto Me!" May the Lord help us to remember this truth as we enter into the Great Fast. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Mark, our newly elected parish council was installed. May God grant them wisdom, peace, and faithfulness in fulfilling their vocation to our parish and His Holy Church. 

Visit us at www.CTSHBG.org

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Day 2 of the 56th Diocesan Assembly - 01/24/2020

56th Diocesan Assembly (Day 2 - Friday, Jan 24) Clergy and delegates were led at the Divine Liturgy by His Eminence, Arch Bishop Mark. Fr. Thomas Soroka offered an inspiring homily. A special thanks to Rdr. Christopher Rakowski and the choir of Christ the Saviour for a prayerful and beautifully sung Liturgy.

Following brunch, the Assembly reviewed administrative, financial, and ministry/department reports.

Next years Assembly will be Thu, Jan 28 - Fri, Jan 29 (2021) at Holy Trinity in Wilkes Barre.

Glory to God for all things!

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Day 1 of the 56th Diocesan Assembly - 01/23/2020

56th Diocesan Assembly (Day 1 - Thursday, Jan 23), under the leadership of our Diocesan Bishop - His Eminence, Arch Bishop Mark, who gave his opening address.

Fr. John Dresko, presenting on OCCIF
Fr. Thomas Soroka, keynote, speaking on Parish Revitalization

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2020 River Blessing - 01/19/2020

On Sunday, January 19th the Orthodox parishes of Greater Harrisburg gathered at City Island Park for the 12th Annual Pan-Orthodox Great Blessing of the Susquehanna.

His Grace the Right Reverend Irinej (Dobrijevic), Bishop of Eastern America of the Serbian Orthodox Church, presided at our service. In addition we welcomed clergy and faithful from the following communities:

+ Annunciation Orthodox Church (GOA) in Lancaster
+ Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church (OCA) in Harrisburg
+ Holy Apostles Orthodox Church (OCA) in Mechanicsburg
+ Holy Resurrection of Christ Orthodox Church (SER) in Lebanon
+ Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral (GOA) in Camp Hill
+ St. Nicholas Orthodox Church (SER) in Oberlin

Following the River Blessing, the clergy and faithful gathered at Holy Trinity Cathedral for a delicious luncheon and wonderful fellowship. Glory to God for all things!

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