2024 Parish Photos (Updated 12/31/2024)

Nativity - 12/25/2024

The faithful of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church gathered for the Nativity Eve Vigil (Tues, Dec 24), and the Divine Liturgy on Christmas Day (Wed, Dec 25). Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

(Troparion) Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, has shone to the world the Light of wisdom! For by it, those who worshipped the stars, were taught by a Star to adore Thee, the Sun of Righteousness, and to know Thee, the Orient from on High. O Lord, glory to Thee!


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Angel Tree Project - 12/21/2024

A special thanks to our beloved parish family who once again participated in the “Angel Tree” project this year. Seventy (70) wrapped presents were distributed to children in our community whose parents are incarcerated or are in some financial hardship. We are thankful to be partnering with the Society of Volunteer Women to bring a small measure of joy to these children and their families! Merry Christmas! Christ is born! Glorify Him!

Check out some coverage from local news station ABC27:


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Annual Christmas Concert - 12/15/2024

In the afternoon on Sunday, December 15 the community of the Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church welcomed neighbors, family and friends for our annual Christmas Concert featuring our parish choir under the direction of Rdr. James Kushlan. A special thanks to the Altar Guild for hosting a light reception following the program.

You can view a recording of the concert at this link -

Christ is born! Glorify Him!

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Seminarian Family & Bell Tower - 12/15/2024

On Sunday, December 15 the community of Christ the Saviour welcomed Rdr. Seraphim Crossman and family from St. Tikhon Seminary. Each year we partner with the FOCA to fulfill the "St. Nicholas Wish List" for a seminarian family. Continued prayers for them as they grow in their vocation. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy we processed outside to bless three bells dedicated in memory of Fr. Daniel Ressetar, our long-time and beloved pastor. (Update: bells were installed on Dec 24!)

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St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - 12/06/2024

The community of Christ the Saviour celebrated the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy on the feast, a special workshop for our Church School students before Vespers on Saturday, and the offering of the annual Nativity play after the Sunday Liturgy. The students and teachers did a wonderful job!

At the Liturgy the same morning we welcomed Stephen Lum into the catechumenate of the Orthodox Church.

Glory to God for all things!

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Nativity Fast Lecture Series - 11/26/2024

Each Nativity fast the adult education ministry of our community offers a series of talks for our spiritual nourishment. This years theme was "The Saints of North America". To watch a recording of each of these talks, please visit: https://www.ctshbg.org/nativityfast2024

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Thanksgiving - 11/28/2024

Thank you to the faithful of our community for their generosity in supporting our annual food drive for Thanksgiving. Several turkeys, and boxes of dry and canned goods - as well as $1,000 in gift cards - were delivered to our community partners in Harrisburg. Glory to God for all things!

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Pan-Orthodox Akathist - 11/24/2024

On Sunday, November 24th (the Sunday before Thanksgiving) the community of Christ the Saviour was honored to welcome the clergy and faithful from our local Orthodox Churches to offer the Akathist "Glory to God for All Things". This Pan-Orthodox event is held annually, and rotates between each of our Harrisburg area parishes.

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E. African Fellowship - 11/10/2024

On Sunday, November 10 the community of Christ the Saviour was once again blessed to share in the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of two of the many cultures that constitute our ethnically diverse parish family at the Annual Eritrean and Ethiopian Fellowship. A special thanks to those who prepared and served the meal, as well as those that prepared the special coffee and tea that was enjoyed by all - thank you!

"Thank you" in Tigrinya (Eritrean)
የቐንየለይ! - Yeken-yeley! 

"Thank you" in Amharic (Ethiopian)
አመሰግናለሁ - Ameseg-inalehugn!

NOTE: this event is held annually, the Sunday before the beginning of the Nativity Fast.

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Hannah Smith - 10/12/2024

On Saturday, Oct 12 the community of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church celebrated the Baptism of the infant Hannah Smith. On Sunday she was joined by her parents Ignatius (Jeffrey) and Katherine (Karin) Smith, as the entire family received the Sacrament of Holy Chrismation, and partook of the Holy Eucharist. May God grant them "many years" as faithful members of the Body of Christ!

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Slavic "plus" Food Fest - 10/06/2024

On Saturday October 5th and Sunday October 6th our Church held our annual Slavic "plus" Food Fest.  The "plus" in our name stands for the diversity of our parish community and the many cultural foods that are offered at our Food Fest. 

The weather was great and the turnout fantastic.

Thanks to all our volunteers and guests for making this year's Food Fest a success!

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Newly Illumined - 09/29/2024

The community of Christ the Saviour welcomed four new members into the Body of Christ. The Baird family (George, Alexandra, and Markella) was Baptized after Vespers on Sat, Sept 28, and they were Chrismated along with Daniel Neumann on Sun, Sept 29. May God grant the newly Illumined, their sponsors, and their families many blessed years!

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Cornhole Tournament - 09/15/2024

On Sun, Sept 15, following a beautiful Divine Liturgy our parish youth group organized and hosted fellowship and its annual Cornhole Tournament and Sunday School "kick-off". We welcomed 12 teams for a friendly competition. Congratulations to our tournament champions - Andrew and Devin Brown.

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Parish Family Picnic - 09/08/2024

On Sunday, Sept 8 following the Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of the Theotokos the community of Christ the Saviour held its parish family picnic (organized by our Men's Club). We also welcomed the PerryDell Ice Cream truck, generously sponsored by one of our parishioners. Glory to God for all things!

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Dormition - 08/15/2024

On Thursday Aug 15 the community of Christ the Saviour celebrated the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos.

(Kontakion — Tone 2) Neither the tomb, nor death could hold the Theotokos, who is constant in prayer and our firm hope in her intercessions. For being the Mother of Life, she was translated to life by the One who dwelt in her virginal womb.

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2024 Vacation Bible School - 08/07/2024

From Wednesday, Aug 7 - Friday, Aug 9 the children of our community participated in a VBS to learn about our first American Saint - St. Herman of Alaska. Activities included making beaded prayer ropes, learning about stillness and practicing the Jesus prayer. We were especially blessed to have Fr. Nicholas Molodyko-Harris, who was present at St. Herman's canonization in 1970, share his experience of the canonization, miracles that he witnessed throughout his ministry in Alaska. Other activities included making a stillness bottle with an icon of the Theotokos as a reminder of the miracle where her icon stopped a tsunami, making St. Herman cookies, and learning Bible verses that help us connect the beauty of God's creations to the life of St Herman and his life on Spruce Island. We also learned about Alaska and the missionary journey he made from Russia to Alaska and the hardships he endured to bring our faith to North America.  At Liturgy on Sunday, August 11 the children sang a song about St. Herman (sung to the melody of "O who loves Nicholas the saintly") that was written by Mother Christophora of Holy Transfiguration Monastery. Glory to God for all things. 

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Sunday After Transfiguration - 08/11/2024

On Sunday, Aug 11 the community of Christ the Saviour continued our celebration of Transfiguration. At the conclusion of the Liturgy we celebrated the 50th Wedding Anniversary of John and Nadzia Schilling. May God grant them many years! We also offered our annual blessing for our students and teachers as they prepare to return to school. At fellowship we were treated to a special presentation by Tressa Hanna and Zoe Vernak on their recent Cross Road (https://crossroadinstitute.org/) experiences. Glory to God for all things!

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Transfiguration - 08/06/2024

On Monday, Aug 5 and Tuesday, Aug 6 the community of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church celebrated the great feast of Transfiguration. Joyous feast!

On the mountain wast Thou transfigured, O Christ God, and Thy disciples beheld Thy glory as far as they could see it; so that when they would behold Thee crucified, they would understand that Thy suffering was voluntary, and would proclaim to the world that Thou art truly the Radiance of the Father. (Kontakion of the Feast of Transfiguration)

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Annual Vehicle Blessing - 07/28/2024

On Sunday July 28, the community of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church celebrated our annual vehicle blessing in honor of the feast of the great Prophet Elijah (July 20th).

"O Lord our God, Who dost ride upon the Cherubim; Who walks on the wings of the wind; Who didst send Thy servant the Prophet Elijah a chariot of fire, and Who with Thine All-Holy Spirit has inspired and guided the human mind to invent various and expedient means of transportation and travel: We give Thee thanks, O Master, for Thou has provided us, Thy servants, with these vehicles to serve our different needs." (Excerpt from the Prayer of Blessing of Vehicles)

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Pentecost - 06/23/2024

On Sunday, June 23rd the faithful of Christ the Saviour celebrated the great and holy feast of Pentecost! Following the Divine Liturgy and Kneeling Vespers we enjoyed our Annual Parish International Day, where we were treated to the cuisine and aesthetics that comprise our culturally diverse community - united in the All Holy Trinity! A special thanks to coordinator Angie DiFlorio and all our parishioners who offered food this year!

Troparion of the Feast: Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God; Who hast revealed the fishermen as most wise by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit. Through them Thou didst draw the world into Thy net - O Lover of man, glory to Thee!

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Sunday of Blind Man - 06/09/2024

On Sunday, June 9 the community of Christ the Saviour welcomed Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick, who concelebrated the Divine Liturgy and gave a beautiful homily on the life of St. Columba, Enlightener of Scotland (listen). Because it was the last Sunday of Pascha, we celebrated it by offering "one last procession", proclaiming the Resurrection of Christ by taking our faith outside the four walls of our church. Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen!

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2024 Graduates - 06/02/2024

On Sunday, June 2 the community of Christ the Saviour recognized our Class of 2024 Graduates. May the Lord continue to guide and bless them! Glory to God for all things!

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Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers - 05/19/2024

Christ is risen! On Sunday, May 19 (Holy Myrrhbearing Women) the community of Christ the Saviour welcomed OCMC Missionaries to Mexico, Michael and Carlyn Pak. Michael, who will be graduating from St. Tikhon Seminary over Memorial Day weekend, offered a beautiful homily reflecting on the vocation of the Myrrhbearing women, and their example of a motive of love for Christ. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy we honored our Sunday School Director Sophia Kellachow, and our Sunday School Teachers who sacrificially offer themselves in service to our parish youth. At fellowship Michael and Carlyn shared more about the Diocese of Mexico and their mission field, and the Sunday School Students enjoyed an egg hunt (which was postponed from last week), and a carnival themed end of school year celebration. As you can see  - a good time was had by all! Glory to God for all things! 

To learn more about OCMC Missionaries, Michael and Carlyn Pak, and to support their ministry, please click this link.

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Great and Holy Pascha - 05/05/2024

Christ is Risen! Христос Воскресе! Χριστός Ανέστη!

Late Saturday evening (May 4), and “while it was still dark” into Sunday (May 5), our community gathered for the “Feast of feasts, and Holy Day of holy days” - Great and Holy Pascha!

Ode 1 - Canon of Holy Pascha: It is the day of Resurrection, let us be illumined O ye people, Pascha, the Pascha of the Lord, from death unto Life and from earth unto Heaven has Christ our God led us singing the song of Victory! Let us purify our senses, and we shall behold Christ, radiant with the light ineffable of the Resurrection, and shall hear Him say in accents clear, rejoice as we sing the song of victory. For meet it is that the Heavens should rejoice, and that the earth should be glad, and the whole world, visible and invisible, should keep the feast, for Christ, the everlasting joy is Risen!

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Great and Holy Saturday - 05/04/2024

Great and Holy Saturday Vesperal Liturgy with 15 Old Testament Readings (Harrisburg, PA)
"Arise O God and judge the earth, for to Thee belong all the nations!"

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Holy Friday Vespers and Matins - 05/03/2024

Burial Vespers & Lamentations of Holy Saturday at Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church, Harrisburg, PA

(sung of Holy Friday evening)

"Joseph, together with Nicodemus, took Thee down from the Tree, Who clothe Thyself with light as with a garment. He gazed on Thy body – dead, naked, and unburied, and, in grief and tender compassion, he lamented: “Woe is me, my sweetest Jesus! A short while ago, the sun beheld Thee hanging on the Cross, and it hid itself in darkness. The earth quaked in fear at the sight. The veil of the Temple was torn in two. Lo, now I see Thee willingly submit to death for our sake. How shall I bury Thee, O my God? How can I wrap Thee in a shroud? How can I touch Thy most pure body with my hands? What songs can I sing for Thy Exodus, O compassionate One? I magnify Thy Passion. I glorify Thy burial, and Thy holy Resurrection, crying, ‘O Lord, glory to Thee!’”

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Twelve Passion Gospels - 05/02/2024

Twelve Passion Gospels - "Glory to Thy longsuffering O Lord!"

(Troparion) When the glorious disciples were enlightened at the washing of their feet before supper, then the impious Judas was darkened ailing with avarice, and to the lawless judges he betrayed Thee, the Righteous Judge. Behold, O lover of money, this man because of avarice hanged himself. Flee from the greed soul which dared such things against the Master! O Lord who art good towards all men, glory to Thee!


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Holy Unction - 05/01/2024

On Great and Holy Wednesday (May 1) the community of Christ the Saviour celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Unction - interceding the Lord’s mercy, and the healing of soul and body.

(Excerpt from the Third Prayer of Holy Unction) Yes, Lord, send forth from heaven your healing power; touch the body, quench the fever, calm the suffering and chase away every lurking infirmity. Be the physician of your servants; raise them up from their bed of pain and their couch of distress; give them to your Church safe and sound, well-pleasing to you and doing your will.

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Palm Sunday - 04/28/2024

Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord! God is the Lord and has revealed Himself to us!

On Saturday, April 27 and Sunday, April 28 the faithful of Christ the Saviour (Harrisburg) celebrated the Great Feast of the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday). We were especially blessed to be led in our celebrations by His Eminence Archbishop Mark. At Liturgy we welcomed John Romain (who was Baptized on Friday evening) and Joseph Middelkoop into the Orthodox Church through the Mystery of Holy Chrismation! May God grant them many years!

(Troparion) By raising Lazarus from the dead before Thy passion, Thou didst confirm the universal resurrection, O Christ God! Like the children with the branches of victory, we cry out to Thee, O Vanquisher of Death: Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord!

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First Holy Confession - 04/21/2024

On Sunday, April 21 several children who have been studying throughout the past few months to make their first Holy Confession received a prayer book to commemorate their first confession the evening before (Saturday, April 20). A special thanks to our instructors Lydia Mantle, Samantha Lopez, and Bette Ann Slivka; and to the St. Mary Altar Guild for sponsoring the prayer books. We hope that each of us will be renewed in the great joy that comes from the Mystery of Holy Confession - the great gift Christ has given to His Church which allows us to be healed, forgiven, and reunited with Him.

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St. Tikhon Seminary Mission Choir - 04/07/2024

On April 7, the 3rd Sunday of Lent commemorating the Veneration of the Precious Cross, the St. Tikhon Seminary Mission Choir visited the community of Christ the Saviour and sang the responses at the Divine Liturgy. Fr. John Parker (Seminary Dean) offered an inspiring homily (listen), and the choir lifted our hearts as they sang not only beautifully - but prayerfully! Our faithful especially enjoyed learning more about the seminarians at the fellowship hour. Glory to God for all things!

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Lent Adult Education Series-1 - 03/26/2024

On Tuesday, March 26 the community of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church (Harrisburg, PA) hosted the first of four talks for our 2024 Lent Adult Education Series - "Our Journey to Pascha: the services of Great Lent". To watch a recording and access the slide deck please visit: https://www.ctshbg.org/greatlent2024

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Triumph of Orthodoxy - 03/24/2024

On Sunday, March 24th the community of Christ the Saviour celebrated the first Sunday of Great Lent (the Triumph of Orthodoxy) in thanksgiving to God for His many blessings. At the Liturgy we celebrated a procession commemorating the restoration of the holy icons. Glory to God for all things!

This is the Faith of the Apostles.

This is the Faith of the Fathers.

This is the Faith of the Orthodox.

This is the Faith which has established the Universe.

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Great Blessing of the Susquehanna - 01/21/2024

On Sunday, January 21st the Orthodox parishes of Greater Harrisburg gathered at City Island Park for the 15th Annual Pan-Orthodox Great Blessing of the Susquehanna, in which we ask the Lord to bless the waters, and to heal us and our community!

Participating were clergy and faithful from the following parishes:

  • Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church (OCA) in Harrisburg
  • Holy Apostles Orthodox Church (OCA) in Mechanicsburg
  • Holy Resurrection of Christ Orthodox Church (SER) in Lebanon
  • Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral (GOA) in Camp Hill
  • St. Nicholas Orthodox Church (SER) in Oberlin
  • Gettysburg Orthodox Mission (OCA) in Gettysburg

Following the River Blessing, the clergy and faithful gathered at Holy Trinity Cathedral for a delicious luncheon and wonderful fellowship. Glory to God for all things!

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Baptism and Chrismation - 01/07/2024

On Saturday, January 6 and Sunday, January 7 the community of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church welcomed Herman (Richard), Olga (Corina), and Lydia Hall into Christ's Holy Church through the Sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation; and Monique (Adriel) Armstrong through the Sacrament of Chrismation! May God grant them "many years" as a faithful member of the Body of Christ!

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Theophany Vigil - 01/05/2024

On Friday, January 5th the community of Christ the Saviour celebrated the Compline and the Great Blessing of Water of Theophany. Glory to God for His glorious appearance, and His rich gifts!

(Kontakion) Today Thou hast shown forth to the world, O Lord, and the light of Thy countenance has been marked on us. Knowing Thee, we sing Thy praises. Thou hast come and revealed Thyself, O unapproachable Light.

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St Basil's Day - 01/01/2024

On Sunday, Dec 31 the community of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church welcomed the Baird family into the Catechumenate of the Orthodox Church; then on Monday, Jan 1 celebrated the Circumcision of Christ (8th day of Christmas), St. Basil the Great, and our Civil New Year. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy Vasilopita (St. Basil's bread) were offered by parishioners in honor of the saint and with petitions for the New Year. Glory to God for all things!

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